
Try a local walk, meet new people, and improve your wellbeing on the way.
Active Stirling runs a variety of local walks led by qualified volunteers, allowing you to get fit and healthy whilst enjoying the outdoors.
We have the following walks available that are all led by our qualified Walk Leaders.
Become a Volunteer Walk Leader

If you enjoy walking and want to share that passion with others, why not consider becoming a Walk Volunteer?

Join Us for the 2025 Kiltwalk Challenge!
Perfect way to increase your steps and improve your fitness
Health Walks
A health walk is a short, gentle, and friendly led walk up to two miles.
Community walks
These walks last 1.5 to 2 hours at a gentle pace and are little bit more demanding than our health walks.
Walk forward
These walks are tailored for fitter walkers who can walk for 2 hours.
Nordic walking
These walks use Nordic Poles and training is required before you join this walk.
All our walks are free

No need to book just turn up and we will ask you to fill in a quick registration form which helps with our funding from Paths for All. Or complete our registration form in advance below.

How to join a walk
  1. To join in all you need to do is turn up at the meeting point and at the start time
  2. If it is your first time, please arrive ten minutes before your first walk to meet your volunteer walk leader and fill in a quick registration form.
  3. Please dress appropriately for the weather and wear comfortable shoes and bring a bottle of water.
  4. Walks are for adults – children under 16 are welcome but they need to be accompanied by an adult

In the event of bad weather walks may be cancelled.

Please check our website for updates or you can e-mail us at walking@activestirling.org.uk