On Friday 1 July Forth Valley Recovery Community (FVRC) came together for the 2022 FVRC Olympics at Forthbank Stadium. With support from Active Stirling this was the largest Recovery Olympics since the event was established in 2016, with around 400 participants and spectators in attendance.
See highlights from the event in our below video
The Recovery Olympics celebrate individual and group recovery across Scotland in a ‘Sports Day’ style event that has a focus on fun and competition.

Minister for Drugs Policy, Angela Constance MSP, opened the event with a short speech to welcome everyone to what would be a day of fun and sport. With only a light shower early in the day, the sun was shining as everyone took part in a mixture of sports day events, with relay races, sprints, egg and spoon race, tug o’ war and soft archery, to name a few.

The FVRC Olympics was brilliant! The entire day ran very smoothly, and it was great to see everyone having such a good time with a competitive element throughout. These kinds of events are so important for giving those in recovery a positive experience and it was great to see so many people attending and taking part. This was the first time the event was held at Forthbank Stadium, and after the success of this year’s event, I really hope we can continue to develop and expand the event to make it bigger each year. I would like to thank everyone who was involved with the organisation of this event, without them it would not have been such a success!

Forth Valley Recovery Community’s national Recovery Olympics in an annual event that we hold to be able to invite recovery communities from around Scotland to take part in a Sports Day theme day. With other recovery communities and we also invite services that work for people in addictions and harm reduction, such as the NHS. It is an opportunity for all these people to meet in different circumstances from what they usually would, and to make connections and celebrate recovery.

Follow Forth Valley Recovery Community on Facebook, @forthvalleyrecoverycommunity and Twitter @FVrcvrycmmnty.