1. Introduction
Those who serve on the Board of Active Stirling have responsibilities both under Company law as trustees and under charity law as trustees. In addition, given our aims and objectives, we have a duty to provide a model of best practice. As part of this, each trustee is asked to agree to abide by the Code of Conduct which is set out in this document and to sign the attached declaration accordingly.
2. Purpose of the code
The code aims to define the standards expected of Active Stirling trustees to ensure that:
- the organisation is effective, open and accountable;
- the highest standards of integrity and stewardship are achieved, and
- the working relationship with the Chief Executive and other staff is productive and supportive.
3. Code of Conduct
Trustees have a general duty to act in the best interest of Active Stirling. They should not act to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family, their friends, or the organisation they come from.
Active Stirling’s trustees should conduct themselves in a manner which does not damage or undermine the reputation of the organisation, or its staff. More specifically they:
- should not place themselves under any financial or other obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might seek to influence them in the performance of their role;
- must avoid actual impropriety and any appearance of improper behaviour, and
- should avoid accepting gifts and hospitality that might reasonably be thought to influence their judgement.
In carrying out their role, including making appointments, awarding contracts, recommending individuals for rewards and benefits, or transacting other business, Active Stirling’s trustees should ensure that decisions are made solely on merit.
In arriving at decisions in areas where they do not have expertise themselves, trustees should consider appropriate professional advice.
Active Stirling’s trustees:
- have a duty to comply with constitutional and legal requirements and to adhere to best practice in such a way as to preserve confidence in Active Stirling, and
- are accountable to the organisation members and other stakeholders for their decisions, the effectiveness of the Board and the performance of the organisation.
Active Stirling’s trustees should ensure that confidential information and material, including material about individuals is handled in accordance with due care; so that it remains confidential.
In addition, they should be as open as possible about their decisions and the actions that they take. As far as possible, they should give reasons for their decisions and restrict information only when the wider interest clearly demands.
Active Stirling’s trustees have a duty to avoid any conflict of interest so far as is reasonably practicable. In particular, they must make known any interest in any matter under discussion which creates either a real danger or bias (that is, the interest affects him/her or a member of his/her household more than the generality affected by the decision); or, which might reasonably cause others to think it could influence the decision. He/she should declare the nature of the interest and withdraw from the room unless the remaining Trustees agree otherwise.
Active Stirling’s trustees must:
- promote and support the principles of leadership by example;
- strive to attend all meetings regularly, ensuring they prepare for and contribute appropriately and effectively;
- bring fair and open minded view to all discussions of the Board and should ensure that all decisions are made in the charity’s best interests;
- respect the role of the Chief Executive and other staff;
- accept and respect the difference in roles between the Board, the Chief Executive and senior staff, ensuring that the honorary officers, the Board, the Chief Executive and his/her senior team work effectively and cohesively for the benefit of the organisation, and develop a mutually supportive and loyal relationship, and
- having given the Chief Executive delegated authority, be careful – individually and collectively – not to undermine it by word or action.
Open, print and sign Trustee’s declaration here: